Davis Refinery
“Meridian Energy Group, Inc. is committed to building the cleanest refinery in the world, and has engineered Davis Refinery to the highest environmental standards, including the ability to meet the very strict Class 1 emissions standards which qualifies its proximity to Theodore Roosevelt National Park. Meridian has taken extensive measures to ensure that the Davis Refinery will not negatively impact the natural landscape of the surrounding terrain both during the day and at night, and has conclusively demonstrated that the Refinery will not be seen from the National Park.”
Permitting Overview
- Rezoning and Conditional Use Permits granted by Billings County in July 2016
- Permit to Construct (Air) – From ND Department of Health – Permit Issued June 13, 2018
- Water Appropriation Permit to State Engineer – Recommended Decision Approval on July 6, 2018– Final approval February 1, 2019
- Permit to Operate (Air) to be filed upon completion of Davis Refinery
- Industrial Storm Water Discharge Permit – To be filed before operation
- Permit to Construct (Air) – issued by ND Department of Environmental Quality in June 2018, upheld by ND Supreme Court – June 30, 2020

Permit to Construct for the Davis Refinery:
“The Davis Refinery permit application was subjected to an extensive review by the NDDoH. Emissions from the facility are expected to comply with all applicable federal and state air quality regulations”