We are focused on the development of innovative and environmentally-compliant oil refining facilities.

Meridian will produce diesel with virtually no measurable amount of sulfur for all of its transportation fuels years ahead of mandates. Meridian is taking the lead in ushering in a new era of hyper clean fuels that will be the choice of consumers everywhere.


Commitment To The Future


Meridian is focused on the developement of innovative and environmentally-compliant oil refining facilities.


Extensive Experience In Refinery Development


Our team is made of employees that have long tenures with some of the world’s leading petrochemical companies.


Cleanest and Smartest Refineries


Designed to be highly efficient and will be capable of producing nearly zero sulfur diesel and jet fuels years ahead of EPA mandates.


Cleaner Fuels With Low Emissions


Meridian will use state of the art equipment and processes to construct one of the first greenfield fuels refinery in the U.S. in four decades.

Meridian Energy brings the first full conversion greenfield refinery in over 40 years in the United States. We offer full integration of the best available control technologies specifically designed for specific crudes at the chosen location.