Meridian Energy Group Inc., (“Meridian” or the “Company”) understands that large infrastructure and industrial Projects can have adverse impacts on people and on the environment. As developers of multiple large projects (“Projects”), the Company works with its partners and contractors (“Partners”) to identify, assess and manage environmental and social risks and impacts in a structured way, and on an ongoing basis. Such collaboration promotes sustainable environmental and social performance and leads to improved financial, environmental and social outcomes. Where appropriate, Meridian encourages its Partners to address potential or actual adverse risks and impacts identified during the Project Development and Commercial Operations Lifecycle.
Meridian will act in accordance with the applicable Equator Principles in order to ensure that its Projects are developed and operated in a manner that is socially responsible and reflects sound environmental practices. Meridian acknowledges that application of sound environmental and social management policies can contribute to delivering on the objectives and outcomes of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“SDG”) as referenced in the Equator Principles 2020. Specifically, Meridian believes that negative impacts on Project-affected ecosystems, communities, and the climate can be effectively mitigated and, where residual impacts remain, a remedy for human rights impacts or offset to environmental impacts should be provided as appropriate.
Meridian’s Environmental and Social Management Plan is intended to serve as a common baseline and framework for Meridian’s employees and Partners to identify, assess and manage environmental and social risks when developing Projects. We commit to implementing the Equator Principles through our internal environmental and social policies. Meridian also acknowledges that it has broader responsibilities for identifying and managing adverse environmental and social risks and impacts and respecting Human Rights.
Meridian will review and update its Environmental and Social Management Plan on a periodic basis, as needed and no less than annually, based on implementation experience and in order to reflect ongoing learning, emerging good practices, and the advice of Meridian’s Environmental, Social and Governance Steering Committee.
Company Overview
Meridian was formed to beneficially change the refining segment of the energy industry that has been increasingly identified with air pollution and other harmful environmental impacts. The construction and operation of Meridian’s Refineries will utilize state-of-the-art technologies as this will improve the quality and viability of fuels and petroleum products manufactured in the United States.